We play by the PDGA rules. Tournament Director is Simon Lindgren
Marshals might be in effect on the course
Tournament Director Simon Lindgren #104488
Asst. Tournament Director Martin Falberg #116207
Marshal Mikko Wikman #58576
Tournament center
The tournament center is located around the Järva Shop.
Everything from players meeting, kiosk/disc sale shop to lunches and the prize ceremony will take place here.
Scorecard is picked up 5minutes before your tee-time on hole 1.
Warm-up Area
The warm-up are for players will be on the short 9 hole course and the nets around that area. No driving field will be available on the event location.
Putting baskets will be available close to the first tee and we hope u respect the card before u when putting there. Only the next available card should be close to tee one and warm up in the nets and baskets. Other competitors should be on the warm-up area.
The official scoring platform for the tournament is UDisc. Players are required to enter the scores including full stats. The secondary scoring platform is Disc Golf Metrix, on which stats are not in use.
UDisc scores must be validated against Disc Golf Metrix at the end of each round. Each player is required to sign their own scores in Disc Golf Metrix – after which the scores cannot be changed.
All players must visit the scoring tent after each round.
Paper scorecards are available at the tournament office if needed.
There can be no practice at the course holes after the first group has started each day – until the last putt each day.
We ask that you respect the 30 second rule and the 3 minute rule, so that we will be able to stay on schedule.
If the tournament has to be temporarily delayed, for example in case of a thunderstorm, this will be signaled with repeated long signals.
On certain holes there will be spotters to prevent lost discs and to check on blind holes and for out-of-bounds (OBs) and mandatories.
Please note that the spotters have no official status regarding OB rulings.
Groups must make their own calls on OBs (remember to play provisional throws and note two scores for the player if the group is in doubt).
The spotters will attempt to mark where discs cross into out-of-bounds. No discussion with the spotters regarding any calls is permitted.
Sudden-death play resolves ties for trophy candidates in both divisions and possible split first places. Sudden-deaths are played on holes 11-12-18 until a winner is found. For trophies, if a winner is not found after the first 3 holes, there is CTP on hole 11.
Hole-in-one (HIO)
HIO is awarded during all rounds. All HIO will receive sponsored merchandise prizes.
Prizes for ALL hole-in-ones will be distributed at the prize ceremony after the tournament.
DNF – If you need to abort due to injury, you need to notify your card and the TD immediately.
DNS – If you are not joining the next round, you need to inform the tournament office or directly to the Tournament director
Dress code
At Järva Open 2023 we follow the dress code as stated in the PDGA Competition Manual item 3.4. Here are the most important points:-
- All violations of the Dress Code Policy shall be considered a Courtesy Violation under Section 812 of the PDGA Official Rules of Play.
- All competitors and staff are required to wear a shirt.
- All competitors, caddies, and staff are required to wear shoes or other foot coverings. Players will not be allowed to play in bare feet. Sandals or slides are allowed.
- All players must wear a shirt covering their upper chest area. A well-tailored shirt with a collar and sleeves covering the upper arm shall be considered acceptable. Tank tops are not allowed for any competitor, but women may wear sleeveless shirts with collars. Women may also wear well-tailored one-piece tennis dresses with minimum 1 inch wide shoulder straps.
- No ripped shirts, shorts, or pants will be allowed on the course. This includes unhemmed, torn or cut ”vents” at the shirt collar.
- Dress code is valid also for caddies
Refund Policy
Official withdrawals must be made to [email redacted] or submitted through Disc Golf Scene. Any other method is not processed as an official withdrawal.
All official withdrawls must be made 30 days prior to the event for 100% refund. Refunds after that under PDGA Competition Manual.
A processing fee of 5 € will be deducted from all refunds. PayPal and DiscGolfScene fees are not refundable.