Hi and welcome to the registration page for volunteers.
We are looking for help from all discgolf fans that want to make this an epic event for everyone.Register your interest in volunteering during EPT at Järva! 28-30 of July.
Depending on what you are interested in for assignments, there are different things to sign up for.
We want you to attend all 3 days Fridag-Sunday and all volunteers will receive food/merch and have an awesome time! If you want to play the event than this might not be for you.
Once a prospective volunteer submits a form, they will receive an email confirming their registration and acceptance as a volunteer. We do have a cap on volunteers, so the earlier a form is submitted, the better and if you can attend all days.
We aim to have around 50-80 volunteers this event to have a good rounded schedule with a lot of breaks and not that long workdays. It is not final if you choose Event & Food you could still go out and spot the next day.
Here are the 3 main things we need help with.
– Event & Food [10+ People]
Check-in of players and volunteers.
Hand out of playerpacks
Information for any other visitors/staff
Water/refreshments to and around the course
Parking management
– Course spotter [24 People]
Be a spotter on the holes out on the course and have a front row of all the tournament helping the players locate discs and mark OB throws.
(Water/umbrellas/flags/sunscreen/snax) is good to have with you.
We want to have almost every hole covered by spotters and in some cases more than one spotter per hole.
Schedule will rotate you around a few holes with breaks in between either 1 or 2 hours on each hole/position
– Scorecard management – Udisc [15+ People]
Our ambition is to have one scorekeeper walking with every card keeping all the shots from the players.
If we do not have enough we will fill out from the leadcard and down for both MPO/FPO.
It is not that hard to walk along and after every hole you check with the players what they got and they will verify as well. If we have around 40 people to do this, we will rotate with starting with the first card of the day and after you are done with that round you take a break and then jump on when you are ready.
Spotter Info and Schedule
Schedule will be updated when we know who and how many volunteers we have but to fill the entire schedule we need 24 people each day.
Spotters may choose F9 or B9 on different days to get to watch more of the tournament.
Group 1

Group 2

Järva Open EPT – Volontär möte Onsdag, den 19 juli · 19:00–20:00 Videosamtalslänk:
Spotter Info
Spotters will rotate every hour in blocks of 3 then have 1 hour break to get lunch and chill. The beginning of the day will not require spotters on the end holes B9 but we have a rolling schedule anyway.
Bra att ha med sig som spotter under EPT
(Flaggor ”Hämta ut det innan start”)